Ice at the Micro-scale: 20-25 July, 2025
Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland
Ice formation is a crucial factor in many fields, ranging from cryopreservation to cloud formation, materials science and civil engineering in cold climates. While the effects of freezing in such fields are often seen at the macro-scale, it is widely recognized that the key processes that control freezing are found at the micro-scale: for example, ice nucleation, recrystallization, protein/ice interactions, solutes and colloid effects, and ice growth in confinement.
This conference aims to bring together a diverse range of leading researchers from a range of different communities (both academic and industrial) to share their latest research on such topics. There will be plenty of time built into the schedule for discussions, and so we particularly aim to foster the exchange of knowledge and ideas between fields, the development of new collaborations, and the identification of key directions for future research.
We are delighted to host the meeting at Monte Verita. This is a historic, intimate conference venue (120 attendees maximum), set above the town of Ascona on Lago Maggiore in Switzerland. Accommodation and food is all provided on site.
Abstract submission
We encourage abstract submission on any topic related to the theme of the conference. Please submit these following the instructions on the Abstract Submission page. All attendees are strongly encouraged to participate with a talk or poster, and to stay for the entire duration of the conference (so as to maximize the opportunity for discussions among participants).