ice2025 – Ice at the microscale

ice2025: Wednesday, May 7, 2025

Conference location: ETH Main Building, Auditorium Maximum F30

Developing materials is essential to addressing the grand technological challenges of the XXIst century. Without new materials and processes, advances in areas that we take for granted, ranging from biomedicine to telecommunications, energy storage, and manufacturing of complex structures will either not happen or not be sustainable.

Materials Day is an opportunity to get to know the most advanced research directions in the Department of Materials at ETH Zürich in a one-day symposium, which includes talks, Young Investigator Award and as well as opportunities for convivial discussions over coffee break.

The Symposium “Materials Day” is organized biannually by the Department of Materials at ETH Zurich to bring together faculty, researchers and students with representatives from industry and the media. Previous Materials Days

Prof. André Studart

Head of Department of Materials

Department of Materials

The Department of Materials carries out fundamental and applied research in a wide variety of areas of materials science. We investigate different forms of matter, including advanced metal alloys, polymer-metal nanocomposites, complex fluids, soft-condensed biopolymers, functional surfaces, hybrid ceramics and magnetoelectronic materials. Approaches vary from synthesis to experimental studies and processing to theoretical work and large-scale simulation efforts.

The Competence Center for Materials and Processes (MaP)

MaP is the multidisciplinary network of ETH Zurich researchers, and is dedicated to tackling the grand challenges in Materials and Processes. We promote cross-disciplinary research, education, and outreach to industry, academy, and society.